Future Husband,
I do hope you are fine though and taking good care of yourself at least till I have to take care of, I always knew you would have a sense of humour. would like, but its okay, good things come to those who wait.
I do hope you are fine though and taking good care of yourself at least till I have to take care of, I always knew you would have a sense of humour. would like, but its okay, good things come to those who wait.
I was thinking initially that I would like to have three kids, but with the madness of today's society I am hoping we can compromise on two? Hehehe Hope you are not stuffing yourself with carbs or eating late? I don't want you coming to me all potbellied, seriously.
Have you been going to church? I did not ask if you are a Christian I know you are, just wondering if you have been acting lazy about going to church or trying to be a person fit for God's presence, I know I get lazy sometimes sha...but we have to keep trying.
I never said give up drinking or the occasional boys hangout, I only said I
need to be kept in the picture all the time.
I almost got tired waiting for you and was about to get married to someone else, but he turned out to be less than I actually wanted/ expected, the thought of forever with him scared me sh*tless!
And like my favorite Aunt would say to us when we were kids "better to be alone than in the wrong company". Yeah, she is smart like that, though I have always wondered where she got the quote from, don't worry you will get to meet her soon.
folks are wondering when you are going to come see them, they don't ask me or
bug me about it, but I see it in their eyes and hear it in their voice. They
are worried that you are taking your time to show up.
I know some of my friends are too, they try to convince me to stop waiting for you and move on to someone else, they don’t understand that I have been waiting for you all my life and can not settle for less.
push it though for I have never tried to test my limits, yet I know my breaking
point to be very unpleasant. It can never be roses all
season. At times we will argue into the middle of the night. At times we will
just look at each other with hate in our eyes. Knowing better, I will walk out
of the house to talk a walk to clear the air. Expect so many apologies after
Sweery I know you are successful because I have prayed for you all my life.
I look forward to meeting you soon to be my partner cant wait to be MRS…….., because I love you already and the thought of forever with you does not scare me.
Sweery I know you are successful because I have prayed for you all my life.
I look forward to meeting you soon to be my partner cant wait to be MRS…….., because I love you already and the thought of forever with you does not scare me.
Future Wife