Thursday 29 August 2013


Things That Every Wife Can Work On For A Better Marriage And Relationship With Her Husband/Boyfriend :

1. He needs simple and clear communication – As a woman , learn to speak to your man as a man not another woman. Men do better with clear and concise communication. When you begin telling him about what he did last month and the month before that and end up talking about how he left his socks under the cushions, chances are, he is no longer listening to you or he is feeling attacked as though he never does anything right. 

2. Husbands love to show their love using actions, learn to notice – Women love words, they love to be told how much they are loved but men love action. No wonder men think “girly” movies are boring and women think “real movies” are noisy with little talking. Men show their love by the things they do. A man will overwork, run a thousand projects at a go and worked hard to earn extra money just to make sure his family is comfortable. He does all these because he loves his wife (and children). As a wife, learn to appreciate his efforts. When he calls, acknowledge it is his way of saying “I love you” even though he did not say it. When he does what you asked him even though he would not have otherwise done it, he is doing it because he loves you. Learn to notice and appreciate.

3. Every man has a hero gene in them, turn him into your hero – praise him, let him know he is your man. He longs to feel needed, wanted and valuable. As a wife, learn to let him know you need him and do depend on him because he is tough and able. Don’t ridicule and put him down because of his weaknesses but learn to see his strengths and praise him for these. When you recognize him as your “superman” he will always be looking for opportunities to fly in and be with you.

4. Once in a while, a man just wants to be alone, give him space – sometimes a man wants to just sit and do nothing, trust me, even thinking gets suspended sometimes. When you ask him what he is thinking and he says “nothing” it might be true. Please don’t rob your man of his alone time. He is not ignoring you, he just needs the time and the alone time actually helps him cope when you spend time with him and you want him to listen to all your stories.

5. Men do feel insecure sometimes, affirm your man – Sometime men tend to feel insecure, we wonder whether we are strong enough, sharp enough, smart enough and we battle this more than women realize. Men's  ego gets bruised easily, they  can be built or destroyed by the words we  speak to them . As a woman , learn to affirm your man. Never ever and I say again, please, never ever criticize your husband publicly or correct him in public. You will have bruised him badly.

6. Men have selective loss of hearing, avoid nagging him – If you repeat something to a man all the time, his stubbornness gets activated and he might never do what you are asking. Telling him more than twice to do something will cause him to decide not to do it at all. I have no idea why men behave like this but I am suspicious it a hidden trait in every man. Bottom-line, men hate to be nagged and as a wife, you will be wise to cut it out of your life. Bring in respect, compliments and praise instead of nagging and you will be shocked at the change in your husband.

7. Men need emotional intimacy also, allow him to be intimate his way – women get intimate by sharing secrets, whispering in the ears, talking, cuddling and stuff like that but men, yes, men do get intimate but it is by doing something together like jogging, watching football going on a road trip or building something together. 

8. Men love challenges, competition and solving problems, learn to let him be – From supporting his favorite football team, to politics to being so focused on a project that he ends up ignoring you, men love to compete and win. Men feel better when they solve a problem whereas women feel better when they talk about the problem. 

9. Men need respect more than they need air to breathe, respect him – with your words and actions, respect him. Don’t wait for him to earn it, give it. When a wife respects her husband, she helps him to become respectable outside the home. If you want your man to be respected, respect him. If you want him to be great outside the home, treat him as a great man at home. Respect grows men more than women ever realize

10. Finally, your man needs sexual intimacy, be available – As a wife, be available for your man. Kick the excuses and go on and admit it, you do long for sexual intimacy also. Look for him, seduce him, make yourself attractive for him and release yourself to enjoy sexual intimacy. 


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