Saturday 8 February 2014


Many times we became so discouraged, heart fainted we grow weary only to curse life. We even wonder is God really on our side?.

It natural and okay to feel discouraged, heart fainted and even to grow weary but we should never allow our present situation to discourage us folks.

 Its funny how we human being dwell so much on closed doors, opportunity and forget to see the blessings better and bigger opportunity that God is just preserving for us.

God didn’t promise us that in life will be smooth but he promised to give us strength in each and every obstacle that we face, Amazing God he is!!!!!

"Be patient with God and with yourself. When God wants 2 make a mushroom, he does it overnight, but when he wants 2 make a giant oak, he takes a hundred years.

Great souls are grown through struggles, storms and seasons of suffering be  patient with the process.

We have to let God be, in good times and bad time he remains supreme and when we despair is when God shows up.

Some one said''don't try 2 get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well developed ‘the things we plan won’t happen right away slowly, steadily, surely,the  time approaches when the  vision will be fulfilled.

Take care of yourself. Love yourself and your circumstances.  Tell yourself "I am too blessed to be stressed." Be well. Be the mastery of your life avoid negative people near you they are like plague avoid them as possible as you can.

We should learn to control our lives nevertheless we  all cried when were born and if you didn’t cry doctors did something and ensured that you cried  ,that was a sign that you were welcomed in a different world ,
world of struggle, discouragement ,betrayal  and  wonderful world at the same time.

Your were meant to be the boss of your own life Yes BOSS OF YOUR OWN LIFE , we are free to welcome whomever or whatever  we want in our precious life. 
We are the controller of our own lives, this doesn’t mean that life will be that smooth because we are the controller of our lives No! No! No! Folks.

Not every body will pamper your life  with love & kindness just the way your mama will. Just learn whom to welcome and whom not to welcome in your life  just be the mastery of your life.Live positively everyday despite challenges pat yourself at the back promise yourself that it gonna be well.


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