Thursday 13 March 2014


Many of us get excited when we begin the journey towards an objective (say on New Year’s day) but we soon give up afterwards. The main reason we don’t follow through is because deep down, we fear failure. If we were 100% certain the outcome would be a success, we would ALL pursue our goals. However on a subconscious level, we simply don’t believe the goal is achievable

Have absolute faith

Before any long-term goal is fulfilled, you must first visualise it and write it down (keep it safe and read it as often as possible). Dreams that aren’t written down end up as just that – dreams. The test is to discover a way to replace doubt with unwavering confidence. You have to be convinced that you will succeed against the odds.

Draw up a plan of action

Assembling a plan that tracks your progress (step by step) is the best way forward because following an organised schedule will eliminate choice. If you are losing weight it’s sensible to stick to a healthy eating and exercise plan or if you are saving money, it’s wise to write down exactly how much cash you will need per day and keep tabs on extra costs. Be realistic and give yourself a sensible target to reach. Remember everyone’s journey is different. Your challenge will feel less daunting once you have divided your journey into a weekly operation. 

Start your journey
Countless people make excuses about their inability to achieve a goal without taking any initiative whatsoever. We may desire to lose weight but if we don’t bother to find out where our local gym is, how can we achieve anything?

At other times, we magnify our flaws to such an extent that we actually talk ourselves out of taking action. But rather than focusing on our perceived shortcomings, it’s best to make an enquiry into how we can start.

Rome was not built in a day. Massive goals are achieved one baby step at a time. The only way to combat your doubt is through ACTION. And every time you complete one step, celebrate it as you deserve it!

Set your plan into motion and evaluate it

Acting out a set of positive habits will bring you closer to your goals. If you have a gym class on Tuesday and Thursday, ensure your schedule is free or if you are saving money, transfer funds into an account that you can’t touch.

Adhere to your plan and evaluate it to assess how well you are performing at regular intervals. Always make changes when your plan fails to meet your expectations.

Celebrate Each Successful Step

Your consistent efforts will gradually bear results. And this is the exciting part: imagine how fantastic you will feel when you see how far you have come! It will fuel your enthusiasm to keep moving forward.

Compiled by Evelyne
Source NET

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