Anyway, here is your chance to make your man the happiest in Kenya.
Be a good cook:
They say that you must be able to make pliant chapatis, mouthwatering biryani,
delicious fish and tasty ugali at the drop of a hat. If this is a challenge,
they suggest that you register for cooking classes, which they will gladly pay
Be of cheerful nature:
Apparently, men have a phobia for moody women. Have a cheerful countenance and
he will start running straight home from work. If he did something to upset
you, tell him, because he is not psychic.
Go light on the makeup:
Apparently, men are put off by too much makeup. They do not know how to tell you
this, so they simply keep their mouths shut. Oh, they also wish you would leave
your eye brows alone! Humming that tune…
Be in the mood for sex, anytime,
most of the time:
Going by the number of men who mentioned this one, sex is a big deal to men. In
summary, show enthusiasm, initiate more, dress for it, smell nice and be bold.
While at it, they say that we should
not bring up doomes just when he is getting into the mood, or after the deed.
They are also tired of the boundaries and sanctions you insist on having in the
Compliment and appreciate him:
It turns out that men also like to
be told how good looking they are, and how besotted we are with them. Ladies,
turn on the charm.
No supermarket please:
“It is not in our wiring to walk up and down the supermarket aisles for hours,
looking for heaven-knows what,” says frustrated man,
“Dragging your husband to the
supermarket is like trying to make a camel get into an igloo.”
Respect and submit to him:
The men say that you have the habit of belittling or scorning them when they
talk about their ambitions or dreams, especially in the presence of others.
They wish that you would be their
loudest cheer leader, and praise their plans, instead of criticising them.
Don’t mother him:
Men hate being smothered - they want their space and freedom. They say there
really is something called a ‘nothing moment’, when they brains are on idle
They would appreciate it if we could
stay mum when he is in his space.
“We know you have a bank of 10,000
words a day, which you need to get out, but who says you should direct all of
them at us?” quipped one man.
I found myself humming that tune
again at this one, because our need to talk is too great to just switch off.
There you go, my fellow women, all
you ever needed to please a man. Oh, before I forget, he wants you to know that
he sees no difference between yellow and orange
by Karimi Gatimi DN