I wanna be a millionaire or even
billionaire soon mmmh !!!!! My dream
before I reach couple of years to come. Remember you are what you think and
even what you confess right?.
Talk like your blessed, walk like
you are blessed, put faith into action until it became reality at least for now
that my policy.
wanna drive my dream car, live in
my dream house and bla bla bla bla
bla…………….. these are dreams for many if
not me alone.
“RICH” can mean different things to different
people, but I believe it means having the financial freedom to achieve your goals and live the life you want..
Regardless of our upbringing,
education, profession or lifestyle, most of us are not where we want to be
financially and our reasons are probably more similar than different. The good
news is that it is never too late to become rich if you, like me, are ready to
own up to the reasons you’re not and do something about it.
Was reading an article by Jocelyn Black Hodes this
morning from the internet and this what she is saying about people who are
inspiring to be rich I found it
useful and I had to share.
#1: You spend money like you’re
already rich.
#2: You don’t have a plan.
in the financial industry: those who
fail to plan, plan to fail. Creating a financial plan may seem overwhelming or
intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Whether you do-it-yourself or decide to work with a financial professional, the process simply starts with prioritizing your goals and
writing them down. Put that list where you can see it on a regular basis.
Visual reminders go a long way in helping us stay on track.
#3: You don’t have an emergency
#4: You started late.
With every year or month that goes
by without saving, your chances of becoming rich decrease. Time and compounding
interest are your two best friends when it comes to growing money, so wasting
them really hurts. Just like exercising, the hardest part of saving is
starting. Even if you’re in debt, making little money or have a lot of
expenses, you can still always save something -- even if it is a small amount.
The sooner you get yourself into the habit of saving -- regardless of how much
-- the easier it will be for you to continue and eventually increase those
#5: You’d rather complain than
#6: You live for today in spite of
I get it. It is really hard to think
about retirement and other distant fantasies when we have needs and plenty of
wants now. The bills have to get paid, the family must be fed, momma needs a
vacation -- and a new wardrobe to go along with it. The problem is that
impulsive and overly-indulgent behavior commonly lead to credit card debt,
spending money you might have otherwise saved and, yes, not becoming rich. Do
yourself a favor: Ditch the “buy now, worry later” mindset and instead, adopt a
“save now, get rich later” mindset.
#7: You’re a one-trick investor.
You might be lucky enough to become
rich by betting all your money on one type of investment. Just like you might
be lucky enough to win the lottery. But that’s not a strategy for getting rich
(at least, not one I’d ever recommend).
One of the worst financial mistakes
you can make is putting all your money eggs in one basket. Doing so puts you at
too much risk, whether it is being too conservative or too aggressive.
Sure, investment portfolio needs to include a good mix of investments with varied levels of risk and return potential and
liquidity (so you can get your money when you need it).
#8: You don’t automate.
Here’s the secret to saving:
Automation. Saving is seamless when it’s automatic. Unfortunately, we are not
born to be savers. We are impulsive and greedy by nature. Being responsible
requires much more discipline. However, automation forces us to be responsible
without too much effort. And all it requires is setting up regular transfers
from a paycheck or bank account to a savings or investment account. Without it,
we are much more likely to spend money we could be saving. Even if it is a
seemingly small amount that you automate, those steady investments can make a
big difference over time. Automate whatever you can whenever you can; just be
careful to avoid overdrafting your account and try to increase your savings
amount periodically.
#9: You have no sense of urgency.
You might think you don’t need to
worry about getting out of debt or saving because someone, or something else
will save you. Maybe it’s a pay raise, a new job, an inheritance, a rich
spouse, or the lottery you’re counting on. Whatever “it” is, you use it as an
excuse to put off taking steps on your own to become rich. The problem is that
very little in life is certain. Who knows what will actually happen, or not
happen, so why not focus on what you can control now? Save now and save
yourself -- just in case something, or someone, else won’t.
Maybe you live with a chronic over spender or a typical day out with your
girlfriends involves shopping. Or maybe it’s your inner “Real Housewife” that
you sometimes can’t control.
We all have negative influences in our lives that
threaten our chances of becoming rich. The superficial, materialistic,
sensational culture in which we live is probably the biggest one. The suffocating
swirl of media that goes along with it makes it ten times worse.
The trick is
not giving in to temptation. How? Some of it is making conscious choices to
avoid putting yourself in vulnerable positions. But most of it is having the
willpower to keep the goal of becoming rich in the front of your mind,
especially when you are tempted to sabotage yourself.
Evelyne ):(joining millionaire's club soon)
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