What food do you crave?
Imagine a delicious candy bar, juicy steak, freshly baked bread, or
perhaps fresh fruits and vegetables – whatever you like. You long for it.
You are tempted by it.
You lose that desire. You will
carry on with your life as it always was, and forget about the cake, fruits or
vegetables?.and so it is with our dreams.
Most of us
when we were growing up we wanted to be doctors,pilots,teachers and without
forgetting of course my career
journalism just to mention but a few.
Well its
good to dream we have all heard that future belongs to those who believe in
the beauty of their dreams.
Do you ever put off your dreams?
Perhaps for a “someday”? Do you tell yourself this isn’t the right
moment, or thought to yourself that this opportunity will come again lets us all remember that opportunity comes
ones and time waits for no man.
We all tell ourselves in a few days, weeks,
months, or years we’ll stop putting our lives on hold and really start living.
We tell ourselves everything will be better: we’ll still be the same,
only more free to do what we want.
“What is not started today is never finished
tomorrow.”– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
If you’ve got a burning desire to do
something right now, you need to know that in time, left unfulfilled and
unnourished, that hunger, desire, that passion
will fade .
If you don’t act on your dreams, if you don’t
feed your desires you’ll starve that
internal hunger forever and later on regret.
- Have Your Friends Support You And Keep You Accountable. I will always thank my dad (Mr Maina and my entire family ) he always believed in my dreams even when I couldn’t recognize it.
I remember in my lower classes back in primary
school my dad would come with meat almost everyday wrapped in a newspaper and I
would read the entire wrapper.
I believe these where my desire for journalism was born but then I couldn’t
realize I was just reading just for the sake of reading . My dad saw a
different stuff in me that my self couldn’t see (thanks daddy am now a professional journalist).
sometimes challenging to keep yourself motivated when you’re the only one responsible for your dreams.
I have a great friend (my boyfriend) who I regularly get together with, he
reviews my progress with in mastermind
calls or talk with via social media why haven’t you written something on your blog!! Lol .
His advice
helps me move forward, while his encouragement helps me
keep my dreams alive.
- Write Your Dream Down – And Read It Daily. As we eat everyday to get energy and to fight disease in our bodies we should feed our brains with the dreams that we want to achieve in life
- Just Spend Five Minutes A Day On It. We think to ourselves that there’s not enough time in the day, and anything worth doing is doing right. I agree – but if you don’t give yourself a taste of what it’s like, you’ll lose that hunger. Commit to small actions daily, and you’ll find yourself pushing harder to make time for your dreams.
- Give Something Else Up So You Can Spend Time On your dream. . We all love social media e.g some of us are face book addict(hehehe) twitter addict etc we make sure that every minute we are logged in just what going on . when you want to work on your dreams, and you say “I wish I could, but I really have to sign out that facebook account and start working on my dream”, those magic words have just revealed to you where you can make time for your dreams.
- Visualize Yourself Living It. I like visualizing my dreams. It sounds so much more productive than saying “sometimes I just sit around in my workplace and sometimes daydream ooh yes the entire world sitting down just watching me as I read prime time NEWS OOH YES I do find it crazy lol but its worth fighting for your dream .” there are times where I just relax and daydream . In addition to that, I also try to visualize not just the end state but also visualize the steps I take to get there .
Whatever your
goals are, always remember you can make it true. Whether it be love, money, a
childhood dream, and ultimately happiness, the most important idea is that you
must never lose sight of your dream.
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