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Thursday, 9 October 2014

Student Charged for Trying To Con Governer. Alfred Mutua

A university student was on Thursday afternoon charged in an Athi River court after attempting to con Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua of Kshs.50,000 by false pretense.
alex24-year-old Alex Anyoro Keye, an Economics student at the University of Nairobi contacted Mutua pretending to be singer Avril Nyambura, asking for money to help ‘her’ fund the launch of her upcoming album.

The accused pleaded guilty and in his defense argued that he is still a student at the University of Nairobi; he is the breadwinner of his family and that he had so much wanted to meet Governor Dr. Mutua who is seen by many as the most hardworking among his colleagues.

Police were shocked to find in the possession of Alex a notebook with phone numbers of all Governors, Senators and other prominent personalities in the country. According to Mavoko DCIO Mr. David Wangai, the accused also has the ability to change his voice to that of a woman.

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