Tuesday 9 July 2013



ou think you are not pretty. There’s always someone uglier. Remember  Life is like a mirror if you take life positively smile to it ,it will smile right back to you  You want more money. People are in poverty.

You want a good looking boyfriend .Someone doesn’t have even parents. You are hungry. A child somewhere is starving  and almost dying.

You want to go to the mall, someone somewhere is looking for something or anything they can wear just to stay warm.

You just want  to die life isn’t going the way you want it to just remember most people are hospital fighting for their dear lives.

So don’t waste  your time on things that you think you want  because there is always someone out there who needs it much  more than you could ever possibly know.

Always remember life is a precious gift if you don’t like anything about life you can always change it to better your life.

If you don’t like your job for  example instead of complaining  My job this my job that just Quit.

Your complain you don’t have enough much time quit watching television and Movies  and you will have exact time that you need.

If you are looking for the love of  your life stop looking for  them they will be waiting for you when you start doing thing that you truly love.

Remember life is short live your life, appreciate life and always live you dream.

Evelyne xoxoxo

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