Thursday 25 July 2013


Am not a relationship coach in any way but I find these tips very important to get the relationship that you have always admired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                     Take advantage of new technology; text and email. With so many of us pressed for time, why not use technology to “keep in touch” during the day. A compliment, an affection or a quick “Hello, You are being thought of” via text can spark anyone’s day.                                   

 Hold hands, hug and give quick kisses often. Nothing is as good for the soul and the emotional health of a person as the human touch. As teenagers, we hold hands, give quick kisses as hello and goodbye and cuddle as we sit close. Why not keep that sense of youth no matter how old we are or how long we have been have together as a couple? Holding hands keeps a connection and closeness, no matter what we are doing. An enthusiastic hug uplifts us; a quick kiss says “glad to see you”.

Date often. Make dates and anticipate them with excitement. Dress up and look your best. Discover a new cologne or perfume. Set the stage as if you are trying to “impress” the way you did at the beginning of the relationship. If your budget limits you to a rental movie at home, change it up. Set out cheese and crackers instead of the usual popcorn. Turn off the lights and let your fireplace illuminate the room. No fireplace? Candles do just as well. The point is to set the atmosphere of a date. The desire to look your best, feel your best and have the best time possible will rejuvenate those feelings of a first date.

Write old fashioned love letters. There is nothing like the power of the written word. The idea that a person would sit and attempt to convey their feeling through words is not only a heart warming gesture, but one that can be renewed over and over again through each reread.

Praise, praise and thank you...and more praise. Rather than concentrating on what he or she “doesn’t do anymore”, think about what he/she does. He may not bring you flowers as he did in the beginning of your courtship If she doesn’t seem to be as affectionate as when you first dated, appreciate
Complimenting your partner on their qualities of patience or creativity will easily be a high point in their day. And with enough Thank yous and compliments, you never know. That bouquet of flowers might just follow.

Strengthen your art of conversation. If you find yourself with “nothing to talk about anymore”, find something to start the conversation. Fill your partner in on the “funny“ things that happened at work, the gossip; anything trivial and interesting.. Make “sharing your day” a pleasure event, not a dreaded evil

Be a good listener. There still is the time when your partner will need you to be there, just to listen. You have probably heard the joke a thousand times and heard the family issue twice that often, so listening to your partner is not always easy. The extra effort, however, can be priceless. Remember, often people don’t want their problems solved, just a shoulder to lean on. Taking away the burden of “fixing it," might make it easier

Take care of yourself; mind, body and spirit. Be passionate about life. There is truth to the belief that if we nourish the child in us our spirits can stay young, even when our outer body doesn’t. Stay young in mind and spirit. Take care of your health, emotional and physical. It is much easier to keep a relationship young when you exude that aura yourself. Start by keeping yourself “young at heart."

Always try to understand the other person perfectly. You might be of two completely different mindsets, but you must know you are together because you are meant to be. So don't spoil it. Whenever the other person does something wrong or doesn't arrive on time, don't start by being so aggressive. You must first ask the person what happened in a calm way and tell that you understand, so don't worry. These small consoling words can strengthen your relationship greatly.