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Thursday 22 May 2014


Obsessive twins Amy and Becky Glass are so close they haven't been apart for more than 30 minutes in 15 years.

Twins Amy and Becky Glass Photo: Courtesy of Mirror
The 46-year-old twins share everything, including a joint Facebook profile, a bedroom, the same mobile phone, a business, which they run together in a shared home office, and once even shared a boyfriend.

However, the pair says they are not interested in relationships anymore, and feel like they are married to one another. In regards to dating the same guy, Amy said: "We dated at the same time, all three of us - he was always taking both of us out and he was the one guy that both of us had sex with.”

“As twins with a connection, we kind of just knew instinctively who was in the mood that night. "We never felt jealous of one another, because he would never choose between us.”

They added. Amy and Becky haven't gone on a date alone in more than 10 years and have ruled out getting married and having children. he twins who graduated with the same marketing degree in 1990, having shared a dorm room and the same group of friends even believe they will die at the same time. As Amy said, "We say we have a deal with God, he's taking us both together, at exactly the same time."

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