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Thursday 29 May 2014


Body detox drinks are important from two points of view: first, detox drinks usually help your body replenish the natural supply of minerals and vitamins, given the fact that most of them rely on natural fruit juices. 

they can help you shed pounds in a natural and side-effect-free manner, and they will flush out all the toxins and harmful chemicals gathered inside your body throughout the months.

Regardless of why you have decided to switch to a more natural lifestyle and to add a glass of fresh detox drink to your diet, here you will find seven of the most efficient and sought-after morning drinks for body detox:

1. Mango and Pineapple Smoothie
 Mango and pineapple smoothie will give your body a fresh antioxidant intake that will help it fight off the harmful effects of free radicals, and it will also help you naturally purge all the toxins that have built up in your intestines. This is a tropical drink and a natural source of antioxidants – have one of these smoothies each morning and you will feel the difference within less than a week! 
2. Dark Leafy Greens Juice

Most of us are not very fond of vegetables, especially dark leafy greens, even though we are well aware of all their health benefits and outstanding nutritional properties. However, if you do not like to eat your greens raw, then why not turn them into a shake or juice them with your kitchen juicer? These dark leafy greens are an essential part of our diets, since they will keep your body well hydrated.

3. Green Tea Detox Smoothie

Green tea has been used for thousands of years So what is better than enjoying a fresh cup of green tea each day. . This drink is particularly important for those who have abused alcohol or who haven’t had a proper detox diet in years, and who are afraid of the negative effects that chemicals have on their bodies in the long haul.

4. Watermelon Juice

The recipe is very simple, and the preparation time is less than five minutes – all you need is a few slices of watermelon or one or two medium-sized cucumbers, some lemon or lime, a couple of mint leaves, and fresh water. This is perfect if you want to get rid of the toxins lurking in your system.

5. A Morning Detox Routine With Lemon and Warm Water

This is a rather unconventional lemonade, as it involves a few cups of warm water rather than cool water. All you have to do is to squeeze the juice out of half a lemon into two cups of warm water, and drink this lemonade first thing in the morning, before your breakfast. After that, you can go on with your daily meals as usual – this is one of the best morning detox drinks you can ever get. 

6. Cinnamon and Apple Cider Vinegar Drink

This is yet another popular morning detox drink that involves stevia, cinnamon, lemon juice, icy cold water and some apple cider vinegar. If the water is not cold enough by default, then you can even add a couple of ice cubes to the mix. this is very important for those who want to adopt a detox diet to lose extra weight and to purge their bodies of toxins at the same time. 

 7. The Master Cleanse Diet

The recipe involves a pinch of Cayenne pepper, one tablespoon of maple syrup, two tablespoons of lemon juice and some warm water. The Master Cleanse Diet is perfect for weight loss and for detoxifying your liver and your body overall.

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